Don't be scared!

My name is Charlie and I live behind the movie theater with nothing but the clothes on my back and a laptop. I can't afford to see movies, but I have strong opinions on them. Here they are.

The King's Speech

I have a dream.


Now, I'm looking at this poster here and I'm looking at the title, and I'm not seeing any crown, or purple robe, or turkey leg, so I can only assume we are looking through the eyes of the king!

Three whole people showed up to listen to his speech and then he asked them to come closer and closer and finally really close. Maybe he is soft-spoken. That's not a good quality for a king. 

Despite his short-comings, he is still the king, so these people must listen to him. I don't have to because I can't afford it. 

They seem to each have a different opinion of this speech so let's infer:

Man on left: shut up!
Woman in middle: revolt! 
Man on right: what are you guys looking at? there's no one there. 

guess I was wrong. no king. just styled hair. 


I'm a sucker for slippery hair! 

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