Don't be scared!

My name is Charlie and I live behind the movie theater with nothing but the clothes on my back and a laptop. I can't afford to see movies, but I have strong opinions on them. Here they are.

Elitist Companions!

Friends with Benefits.

A new movie that comes out this week. Let’s review it.

Well this just gets my goatee. 
I know America has become a selfish, self-absorbed society with absolutely no regard for family values and morals, but this is just ridiculous!

I have tons of friends! Beauregaurd (my pigeon), this statue, this crack in the cement and craig. And NONE of them have jobs much less benefits! I don’t need friends with nice teeth or good health like some people do.

This guy is freaking out about his lack of benefits, because if he doesn’t get some soon, this nail biter won’t be his friend!  Just look at his tie! He’s not going to land that job in the mail room looking like that!

You don’t need her friendship, buddy, you need a job!

Maybe you guys could just fuck and then you don’t have to worry about being friends. Everyone knows that friends can’t have sex and stay friends. Now that’s something I’d like to see. Can someone make a film about that? Trick question. You can’t.


Whoa, Charlie, where ya been?

Who cares.

Let's get back to reviewin!

Whoaa hoaa ho!

This is the movie, "BAD" written by a sleepy teacher with no blinds for her windows.

It's a tragic tale of a woman who can't remember the purpose of regular day items in her life.
Even something as simple as an apple, we all know to eat it, but she has to be told through writing.

If only someone had put a little yellow note with the words, "sleep under, not over" on that desk she's snoozin' at. Everyone knows under is the only way to protect you from the acid rain of the city.

She probably shouldn't be teaching in this condition. Actually, she definitely shouldn't be teaching in this condition! What is she going to teach those children? How to be forgetful?

I'm angry now. Education is important, people!
